What our Collective Worship looks like
Inclusive, Invitational & Inspiring
We endeavor to create a special time and place for Collective Worship that is inclusive to all, enabling all our children, staff and families of all faiths and no faith to participate in a way that is respectful and appropriate for them. We invite all to be involved and we give choices on how to respond in a way that is considerate of individual faiths and beliefs. Through our Collective Worship, we aim to inspire our whole school community to learn from the example of Jesus and to be the best people we can be, standing up for what is right and being advocates for change - within school, in our community of Houghton and Carlisle and for our planet Earth.
Monday Whole School Worship usually led by Mr. Johnston. Collective worship based on our current value. |
Tuesday Church Worship led by Reverend Andrew Towner or Gary Tubbs Collective worship based on our current Christian value. |
Wednesday Praise Worship singing worship songs together usually led by Mrs. Colombi, Mrs. Peck & Miss Nicholson Songs linked to our current value and Christian festivals. |
Thursday Reflect and Respond Worship in own classrooms led by teachers & child worship leaders. Reflection linked to the current value, theme of the week or reflection and discussion exploring current affairs & how these link to our Christian values. |
Friday Celebration Worship led by Mr. Johnston or another member of staff. One child per class receives a Head Teacher's award for something linked to their learning or our current Christian value. Other achievements from within or outside of school (children and staff) are celebrated, such as sporting achievements and courageous advocacy. |
Collective worship sessions make use of planning from Roots and Fruits, Values for Life, assemblies.org, as well as reflections created and developed by Houghton staff. We share stories from other religions that explore & reflect our current value and often link our collective worship to national events for example Children's Mental Health week and Antibullying week.
We also use Picture News - a resource exploring up to date current affairs. Using Picture News provides opportunity for our children to explore important topics from around the world in a safe environment where they can ask questions, discuss and form opinions and make links with our Christian values.