Generosity (Autumn 1 2020)
We have been exploring Jesus' teaching on generosity and the examples he set during his life. Andrew spoke to us in Church Worship about how it can be difficult to be generous if you think you don't have anything. So we started our half term considering what we do have and what we are grateful for. Some classes drew pictures of 5 things they were grateful for, whilst Year 1 drew / wrote on leaves and created a Thankfulness Tree in their classroom.
Children have been showing generosity in class by creating lovely pictures for each other and writing encouraging notes. All classes have been thinking about bucket-filling which linked to a book we all read 'Have you filled a bucket today?' by Carol McCloud for 'Well-being and Relationships', This linked with our Generosity value perfectly. As a school we have been thinking about how we can fill other people's metaphorical buckets by being kind and generous and how we fill our own bucket with happiness at the same time.
Ash Class's Harvest Basket
Staff were set a 'Secret Generosity Challenge' and were invited to anonymously bless 2 or 3 other member of staff with a gift / encouraging card. This was following on from Mr Johnston's Worship on 'Storing up Treasures in Heaven' and not boasting about being generous.
Parents too have been demonstrating huge amounts of generosity this half term. We have been overwhelmed by donations of food and toiletries for Carlisle Key during Harvest, as well as receiving many bin bags of clothes for the Great North Air Ambulance Service. Parents, you have certainly been filling our buckets! Thank you.